Sunday, March 2, 2008

Marriage Conference

Randy and I just attended a "Love and Respect" Conference this weekend. It was amazing!!! God really spoke to Randy and I about how he needs to "love" me and how I need to "respect" him. It was revolutionary!! I would suggest everyone should go to these conferences!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Snodgrass Family Christmas and New year

Randy got to be a part of my dad's side of the family Christmas this year. It was on December 30th and It was alot of fun. We got to met new additions to the Snodgrass family.This little darling in my Granny's arms is Ava. She is my cousin Matt's little girl=)

We kept up the Snodgrass tradition and played a "mean" game of white elephant. There was alot of fun and competition to see who got what. Here Rachel is getting one of the elephant gifts.

The Next Night was New Year's Eve. The first part of the evening was spent with our friends Melanie and Barry ( Who are now engaged)

The later half was spent the mouse house.