Sunday, March 2, 2008

Marriage Conference

Randy and I just attended a "Love and Respect" Conference this weekend. It was amazing!!! God really spoke to Randy and I about how he needs to "love" me and how I need to "respect" him. It was revolutionary!! I would suggest everyone should go to these conferences!!

1 comment:

manymasons said...


I came across your blog when thinking of moving my current blog over to blogspot. My current blog is and so I hoped to again use MasonMoments on blogspot.

It doesn't look like you have been blogging and maybe you still want to keep it going or come back to it at some point but if you aren't interested in blogging with this URL would you consider deleting it so that I could use it?

If not, that is fine, I'll come up with something else but I thought I'd ask.

Thanks for your time!
Amy Mason